Monday, June 4, 2012

Jane Cameron: Fete Magazine

Jane Cameron worked as a corporate graphic designer before starting her own stationery business, but these days she’s working on her dream project as co-founder of fête magazine. After teaming up with event planner and stylist Annabelle Kerslake, the two created a new online magazine devoted to parties and entertaining for people like them (without huge budgets). Jane is based in CBD, Adelaide, South Australia, where she and her husband, John, share their 1873 two-bedroom sandstone cottage. One of the earliest in their city, their home was recently heritage listed. Jane, who has always thought that she should have lived in the Victorian era, felt like she was moving home with this house. It’s the perfect setting for her to troll junk and antique shops as well as Etsy and eBay, mixing in modern accents along the way (her husband, of course, would prefer a colourful, contemporary modernist home, but Jane wins out on this one). And don’t miss the latest edition of fête (which means “party” in French).

The rest of the article can be found here. It's a wonderful read!
Image above: This is one view of my office. The table, made from reclaimed Oregon, is actually about 8 ft. long and fits a number of computers along it, which comes in very handy as Annabelle comes to town a couple days a week so we can work on the magazine together. The Venus chair is from Freedom, the FORSÅ work lamp is from Ikea, the artwork hanging on the wall is a Black Robin Tea Towel by Bonnie & Neil, and the black resin Small Earth Bowl is from Dinosaur Designs. I painted some Ikea wooden storage boxes white, then applied Dymo labels – I am thoroughly addicted to that little machine. Part of my string collection sits on top of the boxes. One of my Victorian brown & white transferware tureens, bought at auction, sits on a David Bromley pedestal that I painted black.

Image above: This photograph is an antique shop find — I collect old photos and ephemera that have something to do with Adelaide. I’m a bit of a closet historian and love my city, so I see it as a way of honouring my home town. As I like to change things around a lot, I often stick them to the top of the glass with brown tape; that way I can change my mind as often as I like with minimum effort. The patterned print in the background is an Etsy purchase by Ashley Goldberg. The little Victorian pots are part of yet another collection, all purchased from eBay in the UK.

 I have just spent the first few minutes this morning searching through the website. It is very clean, yet warm and inviting and I love their moto;
"We believe in making time for family and friends, making it just a little bit special and celebrating."

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