Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A can of GOLD spray paint

Is there an item in your home or something you found that you just HAD TO HAVE? Then you get home and try to make it fit with the rest of your space and realise it is never going to work. We are all culprits of this! 

Here is my very easy 1, 2, 3 - that will have you running to your local store for a can of spray paint.

I picked up this watering can from IKEA while I was sourcing for a client last week and absolutely had to have it- my life depended on it (or so it seemed at that moment). It costs my $2.99, I had big plans for it. I new my desk could do with some uplifting and I thought this can would look super cut with flowers in them.

The only problem - the feature colour in my room is gold (at the moment). Yes, this changes more often than the weather in Sydney.

I keep a can of gold spray paint at home for rainy days - it always seems to come in handy and feed you that little bit of creativity that you are so hungry for. You can pick up a can from your local Bunnings for less than $15.00 

Ok, it's time for a make over!


My Boyfriend, let's call him Jack - because he is my "Jack of all trades" once gave me the best advice when handling spray paint, he said, "Do it on the grass". Thank you life saver! It's quick, there is no preparation, no need for newspaper that is going to move in the wind and end up sticking to what you are painting and within a week you cannot even see where you spray painted - mother nature takes care of that!

Here is my finished product! I will show you a photo next time of it sitting on my desk with fresh blooms inside!

What are you planning on attacking with a can of spray paint?

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Oh, and if you’re feeling really inspired, leave me a comment below. Or jump over to the Facebook Page for other objects you can attack with a gold can of spray paint.

Elle x

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